v. 2008
Historical Review of Draft Results
Results by Development League when Drafted
Please reserve comment for a future post wherein I will request commentary on the review as a whole.
At issue here is the ability to isolate the players initial development league as a factor in evaluating the ability of an organization to draft players. To do that it is important to modify the player-grade scores such that a single 'Hall of Fame' player does not skew the results of a single 'league' category entirely. Since all leagues will be treated as equal, for purposes of drafting, no other modifications to the grading scores are required.
The grading scores are organized and summarized in the table below. Please remember that the league listed by the player is the league from which they were drafted. That player may have developed in several leagues over the course of their junior career but when they were drafted they belonged to a single team or league and that is what is listed (and therefore part of this study).
Two things to pull from this part of the study: a) the team seems to have a decent scouting system in place for both the European leagues and the U.S. college system, and b) the team has not enjoyed any overwhelming success OR failure out of any of the different development leagues.
Those are, actually, good results. They indicate that basic competencies are in place and that the scouting staff doesn't show undue favortism to any one league REGARDLESS of results.
This is important.
In an earlier work I completed on the Edmonton Oilers it was clear that, for over 20 years, the scouting staff of the Oilers had a) deficiencies in its scouting system in Europe (few Russians or Swedes) and b) a bias towards U.S. College players outside of the results delivered. Of all the issues the Thrashers have - unrewarded bias is not one of them.
The abbreviations used above are as follows:
The USHS category also contains those players drafted out of the USHL program.
Atlanta Thrashers 2008 HRDR - Introduction
Atlanta Thrashers 2008 HRDR - Draft Results Summation
Atlanta Thrashers 2008 HRDR - Yrs 1999 to 2003
Atlanta Thrashers 2008 HRDR - Yrs 2004 to 2008
Atlanta Thrashers 2008 HRDR - Draft Results By Year
Atlanta Thrashers 2008 HRDR - Draft Results By Round
Atlanta Thrashers 2008 HRDR - Draft Results By Pick
Atlanta Thrashers 2008 HRDR - Draft Results By Age
Atlanta Thrashers 2008 HRDR - Draft Results By Position
Atlanta Thrashers 2008 HRDR - Draft Results By League
Atlanta Thrashers 2008 HRDR - Draft Results By Country of Birth
Atlanta Thrashers 2008 HRDR - Player Grading System
Atlanta Thrashers 2008 HRDR - Graded Players Summary
Have a great evening everyone.
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